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Meeting My Heroes!

Today, I had the pleasure to meet two of my heroes in safety. Dr. Todd Conklin and Dr. E. Scott Geller are both world renowned safety professionals.

Dr. Todd Conklin

ASSP Safety 2018 San Antonio, TX

Dr. Todd Conklin retired as a senior advisor at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, one of the world's foremost research and development laboratories, in the human performance and safety integration program. Dr. Conklin had worked on the program at Los Alamos National Laboratory for the past dozen years of his 25-year career. Conklin holds a PhD in organizational behavior and communication from the University of New Mexico. He speaks all over the world to executives, groups, and work teams who are interested in better understanding the relationships between the workers in the field and the organization's systems, processes, and programs.

Dr. E. Scott Geller

ASSP Safety 2018 San Antonio, TX

E. Scott Geller, Ph.D., is Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems in the Department of Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the World Academy of Productivity and Quality. He is past Editor of Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (1989-92), and current Associate Editor (since 1983) of Environment and Behavior, and consulting editor for Journal of Safety Research, Behavior and Social Issues, Behavior Analyst Digest, and Journal of Organizational Behavior Management.

Even with different perspectives of safety, Dr. Conklin and Dr. Geller agreed to take this picture with Dr. Allen.

This was overall a great moment for me. Both Dr. Conklin and Dr. Geller have agreed to appear on SafetyFM podcast (not on the same episode at the same time.) They will be featured on two separate episodes. Stay tuned to, as we are excited to have both experts on.