Coping With The Loss Of Another - How to mourn

You may have heard the saying that death is just the end of a surprisingly short forest path.

...And if you think about it, it sounds really peaceful.

If you’ve had someone really close pass away, however, then you probably know what it felt like at the moment you found out - The things you've heard, the people that you've seen in your lifetime, the buildings, the oceans, the earth, and sky – it is all utterly meaningless in that moment of quiet stillness.

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Safety FM Continues to Advance the Safety Industry with Podcast, Radio Station, and Safety FM+

Safety personnel are critical to the core of many companies across a myriad of industries, especially in workplaces such as plants and other industrial areas. With statistics showing that 5,250 workers died on the job in 2018 alone, the safety industry continues to grow and advance, and Safety FM is offering an industry resource for safety professionals looking to enhance their roles.

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Jay Allen